1. Back propagation

2. Semantic network also known as frame networks

3. To Find the Degree Of Freedom (DOF) by implementation of If part by Oring the membership of both Ei and AEi

4. Fuzzy inference system (FIS) is known as

5. The most popular defuzzification methods are

6. The properties of the set of the rules are

7. The main concept of the expert system is/are

8. Humans are not efficient in dealing with Fuzzy than computer

9. Soft computing techniques are different from conventional in tolerance to

10. A perceptron is

Match Group A with Group B

Group A Your Answer Group B
Linguistic Rules of fuzzy system c) The laws we execute
Stochastic uncertainties a) Modeled by probabilities
Linguistic variables b) Defines concept of our everyday language
Mamdani-style fuzzy inference process e) Fuzzy inference system (FIS)
Fuzzy models j) Backbone of FIS
Fuzzy reasoning i) Process to map input to output
Fuzzification d) Process of fuzzy logic
Hybrid systems f) Combined systems
Inference Engine g) With fuzzy inference rules
Knowledge Base h) Expert systems
